¤ WOW… Lord Christopher Monckton on Rio+20… a “Mad Gig”… the Cabal’s Attempts to Bring About One World Government Failed… “The Game is Up”… VIDEO and MP3
[UPDATE 2058 HST: For a bit more detailed look into this conference, including the lavish accommodations, see this Alex Jones interview of Lord Monckton, on site at the Rio-20. Thank you Kendall for sharing this!!]
Thanks so much to Ally for sending this to my attention. This video statement appears to be quite a big confirmation of some great news… that the attempts to bring about a “One World Government” at the Rio+20 conference have failed.
Yesterday, the Drake and company had mentioned “Agenda 21″, and the intent to create a “One World Government.” Then here’s what Ben started his article with today.
“Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction. It was a cabal failure because $513 billion that, in the past, would have been handed over to the rich by the poor is instead being given by middle income countries to the poorest countries. This is undeniable proof the international boycott of the war-mongering, mass murdering leaders of the United States and many European countries is intensifying. The cabalists are trying to pass the pain on to their own slave people and this is why there is a “financial crisis” in the West.”
So now we have this video, from Liberty News Network, with Lord Christopher Monckton, chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute and former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, explaining, exactly that happened.
This is only a 10 minute video, so listen carefully and enjoy the message. I’ll throw in the highlights below. Just below the video is the accompanying text.
Note: “Pointy head” apparently is a term that means something like, “intellectual, especially in a self-important or impractical way.”
Click here to hear or download the MP3 of this video.
- 0:55 Whole conference had “stink of death upon it”.
- 2:50 The real ambition [of Greenpeace] has nothing to do with the environment.
- 3:20 Had everything to do with destroying the economies of the West, from within.
- 4:15 From their [cabal's] point of view, conference was a failure.
- 4:30 The cabal [Kp's word] intentions were to allow the U.N. to become effectively a one world government (Al Gore, Jacques Chirac, et al, have been talking about it).
- 6:10 The original document (of Rio?) concluded that not climate change, but poverty was the main problem in the world.
- 7:15 The fact that poverty is considered number 1, focuses attention on bringing the world out of poverty.
- 8:00 Prosperity stabilizes the world population.
- 9:00 Our footprint on the world should not be too heavy.
- 9:26 But these concerns were not discussed at the conference, rather they were effectively talking about means of bringing freedom to an end worldwide.
- 9:37+ They lost. They lost big time… The game is up.
Lord Christopher Monckton, chief policy advisor to the Science and Public Policy Institute and former science advisor to Margaret Thatcher, tells The New American from Rio that the just-concluded Rio+20 conference was not about saving the planet or eradicating poverty, but about shackling the plant under global government. He also optimistically stresses that the “pointy heads here in Rio” have failed despite their declaration of success and that “the game is up.” Video produced by http://www.libertynewsnetwork.tv
Click here to hear or download the MP3 of this video.
For a bit more detailed look into this conference, including the lavish accommodations, seethis Alex Jones interview of Lord Monckton, on site at the Rio-20. Thank you Kendall for sharing this!!