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7 août 2012

¤ Mort de Bachar el-Assad: un faux compte Twitter d’un ministre russe affole le cours du pétrole

Classé dans : Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 13

source : http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/2012/08/06/syrie-bachar-el-assad-mort-faux-compte-twitter-petrole_n_1747936.html

Publication: 06/08/2012 20:18 Mis à jour: 06/08/2012 20:18

BACHAR EL-ASSAD. Le monde virtuel a parfois des conséquences étonnantes sur la vie réelle. La preuve en a été faite, une fois de plus, avec un faux compte Twitter qui a annoncé la mort de Bachar el-Assad sur le réseau social. Pas vraiment crédible, mais cela a suffi pour faire flamber le prix du baril de pétrole durant quelques minutes.

Tout a commencé en milieu d’après-midi, quand le ministre russe Kolokoltsev envoie les trois messages suivants:

¤ Mort de Bachar el-Assad: un faux compte Twitter d'un ministre russe affole le cours du pétrole dans Politique/Societe twitterLe faux compte était pourtant facile à démasquer…

Plusieurs indices auraient dû mettre la puce à l’oreille. Certes, le « V. Kolokoltsev » existe bel et bien, et est effectivement ministre russe: Vladimir Kolokoltsev est ministre des Affaires internes. Mais le compte Twitter @MiniInterRussia était plus que louche. En effet, le compte n’avait été réellement activé que le 3 août dernier et ne comportait pas le pictogramme « compte vérifié » sur Twitter.

Mais les marchés ont eu envie de se faire peur

Pourtant, la plaisanterie a fonctionné. A la même heure, un blogueur très reconnu outre-atlantique a relevé un mini-pic sur le cours du baril de pétrole (pour lire le billet de blog en anglais, cliquez ici), qui est brusquement passé de 108,16 à 109,07 dollars. (more…)

¤ Obama accusé d’avoir abandonné à son sort (condamnation à 33 ans de prison par la justice pakistanaise) Shakil Afridi, le médecin pakistanais qui avait permis à l’armée US de localiser et de tuer Ben Laden

Classé dans : Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 00

source : http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2149619/Shakil-Afridi-Obama-accused-abandoning-Pakistani-doctor-led-Navy-SEALs-bin-Laden.html

Obama accused of abandoning Pakistani doctor who led Navy SEALs to bin Laden… as U.S. withdraws MILLIONS in aid to Pakistan in protest at his jail sentence

  • Dr Shakil Afridi led Navy SEALS to bin Laden by setting up fake vaccination programme that allowed him to take DNA samples from terrorist’s children
  • Ex-intelligence officials say White House didn’t do enough to secure Dr Afridi’s freedom
  • Western officials say sentencing in Islamabad is punishment for humiliating Pakistan, who claims to not know al-Qaeda boss was living in Abottabad
  • Rep Peter King says that Obama administration identified the doctor to Pakistani government officials, prompting his 33-year treason sentence


PUBLISHED: 23:21 GMT, 24 May 2012 | UPDATED: 10:23 GMT, 25 May 2012

Several former intelligence officials are accusing the White House of failing to act in the case of a Paksitani doctor who faces 33 years behind bars despite leading the U.S. to Osama bin Laden.

Outcry has erupted against the Obama administration since Dr Shakil Afridi’s sentence on Tuesday, which was seen as punishment for humiliating Pakistan for apparently not knowing the al-Qaeda leader was living comfortably within its boundaries.

Dr Afridi was arrested days after the Navy SEAL raid on bin Laden’s compound.

Scroll down for video

Shakil Afridi                                                Assassinated: Osama Bin Laden was killed by American troops after Shakil Afridi's confirmed his identity

Treason: Dr Shakil Afridi, left, was jailed for 33 years in Islamabad for helping the U.S. find bin Laden, a move that was seen as a major humiliation for the country

Peter Brookes, a former intelligence analyst and adviser, said the U.S. should have had a plan in place to get him out of Pakistan before his arrest.

Mr Brookes told FoxNews.com: ‘You probably wouldn’t want to have tipped him off ahead of time, but maybe the day right afterward you would have wanted to have helped him leave Pakistan – and the same with anybody else who was working with us.’

While the State Department claims it is in talks with Pakistan in the Afridi case, another ex-intelligence official says they’re not doing enough, if anything.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer told Fox News: ‘From what I’m hearing, we did pretty much nothing.’

Peter Brookes                                   Tony Shaffer

Accusations: Peter Brookes, left, and Lt Col Tony Shaffer, right, say the White House has not done enough to secure Dr Afridi’s freedom

‘We did nothing diplomatically at all, didn’t raise a finger. … From what my sources tell me, we did nothing to try and help this guy.’

On Wednesday, Rep Peter King, the New York congressman who leads the House Homeland Security Committee, pointed to the White House for ‘outing’ Dr Afridi to Pakistani authorities. (more…)

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