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20 août 2012

¤ Major Chemtrails Conference – August 17th – 19th, 2012

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 07

source : http://aircrap.org/major-chemtrails-conference-august-17th-19th-2012/335149/

Posted by FeaturedFeatured VideosThursday, August 16th, 2012

Published on Aug 1, 2012 by ChemtrailsConference

Visit Main Website:

Online Viewing – Entire event available online; get your pass at the website now!

Rating: 10.0/10 (1 vote cast)
¤ Major Chemtrails Conference – August 17th – 19th, 2012 dans Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc...Posted by  on Aug 16 2012. Filed under FeaturedFeatured Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

¤ Popular Reggae Artist Releases Brand New Anti-Chemtrail Anthem Music Vid: Skull – Cry Die

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 06

source : http://aircrap.org/popular-reggae-artist-releases-brand-new-anti-chemtrail-anthem-music-vid-skull-cry-die/335152/

Posted by Chemtrail NewsFeatured VideosThursday, August 16th, 2012

Published on Aug 14, 2012 by OfficialSkullVEVO

Single on iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/cry-die-single/id551079222

Directors: Enda Mccallion, James Mitchell, Camilla Rhodes
Editor: James Mitchell

¤ Nouveau clip musical anti-chemtrail : “SILVER HAZE” by Patrick Tovatt

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 04

source : http://aircrap.org/silver-haze-by-patrick-tovatt/335172/

Posted by Chemtrail NewsFeaturedSunday, August 19th, 2012

Published on May 23, 2012 by dennydd3

From his recently released album titled “Lost and Found” available on CD BABY.

¤ Boeing 737 Clever Trick to Spray Chemtrails That Look Like Persistent Contrails

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 02

source : http://aircrap.org/boeing-737-clever-trick-spray-chemtrails-look-like-persistent-contrails/335125/

Posted by Chemtrail NewsFeatured VideosSunday, August 12th, 2012

Published on Aug 12, 2012 by chemtrailsplanet

CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE: In 2010 Aerospace Engineers published conclusive evidence for Covert Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (aka “Chemtrails”) in a 336 page report called “CASE ORANGE”. The report was commissioned by THE BELFORT GROUP (UK), who held a “CHEMTRAILS SYMPOSIUM” where the conclusions were presented by Aerospace Engineer, Dr. Coen Vermeeren. — ALSO: The term “chemtrails” is in the text of 2001 legislation (HR-2977) defined as an “exotic weapon”.http://tinyurl.com/bmdr2pd

Alt Link http://saive.com/BELFORT.html

HR-2977 legislation “Chemtrails”: http://tinyurl.com/7d7v57o

Documentary: What In The World Are They Spraying?:http://youtu.be/jf0khstYDLA

Documentary: Why In The World Are They Spraying? (Trailer)http://youtu.be/s3__ssxTvNc

¤ How Passenger Jets Serve As Chemtrail Tankers On Same Flight

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 8 : 00

SOURCE : http://aircrap.org/passenger-jets-serve-chemtrail-tankers-same-flight/335111/

Posted by Chemtrail NewsFeatured VideosFriday, August 10th, 2012

Published on Aug 10, 2012 by chemtrailsplanet

CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE: http://tinyurl.com/bmdr2pd – In 2010 Aerospace Engineers published conclusive evidence for Covert Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (aka “Chemtrails”) in a 336 page report called “CASE ORANGE”. The report was commissioned by THE BELFORT GROUP (UK), who held a “CHEMTRAILS SYMPOSIUM” where the conclusions were presented by Aerospace Engineer, Dr. Coen Vermeeren. — ALSO: The term “chemtrails” is in the text of 2001 legislation (HR-2977) defined as an “exotic weapon”. Alt Link http://saive.com/BELFORT.html

HR-2977 legislation “Chemtrails”: http://tinyurl.com/7d7v57o

Documentary: What In The World Are They Spraying?:http://youtu.be/jf0khstYDLA

Documentary: Why In The World Are They Spraying? (Trailer)http://youtu.be/s3__ssxTvNc

Original upload: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrMaxBliss/videos

Rating: 10.0/10 (4 votes cast)
¤ How Passenger Jets Serve As Chemtrail Tankers On Same Flight dans Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc...Posted by  on Aug 10 2012. Filed under Chemtrail News,Featured Videos. You can follow any responses to this entry through theRSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

  1. Must be some really advanced computer programming. Jets leaving trails some days and blue skies other days.

    What a load of aircrap!!!

    Rating: 5.0/5 (1 vote cast)
  2. Who said Israel’s “Samson Option” had to be nuclear? These shot calling jews could very easily add a chemical or biological weapon into the chemtrail mix and wipe us all out in a matter of days, if and when killing-us-slowly is just not good/fast enough.
    Maybe what they are spraying now is inert in order to get us use to seeing it, then 1 day, watch out, the real poison will be added, then you had better be inside w/ some ducktape and plastic sheeting, waiting it out, till it dissipates

¤ The Chemtrail Kook and Worldwide Chemtrails Map

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 7 : 56

SOURCE / http://aircrap.org/the-chemtrail-kook-worldwide-chemtrails-map/331204/

Posted by Chemtrail NewsFeaturedWednesday, April 6th, 2011

¤ The Chemtrail Kook and Worldwide Chemtrails Map dans Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc... chemtrail-map-150x150Source: Chemtrail Kook . I am a former military pilot with 1000s of hours flying personnel and gear all over the planet. While in the military I had not yet had an awakening. After leaving the military for medical reasons, I was exposed to some information that caught my eye. As a matter of fact, I was building a website for a fire-fighter friend of mine. While I was finishing up the site and looking for tribute videos to the fallen heroes of 9-11, I came across a few threads uploaded by Pilots for 9-11 truth. I thought, hey, I’m a pilot, this looks interesting and tumbled into the rabbit hole.

That was 4 years ago, and since that time I have done copious study on the subject of 9-11, building architecture, and chemtrails. I am 100 percent convinced that building 1, 2 and 7 were taken down by explosives in a controlled demolition. I am active with Architects and Engineers for 9-11 truth  and I encourage all who read this to study the materials available on their site and sign the petition for a new and impartial investigation.  But I digress.

Chemtrails are a passion of mine, as I continue to see my loved ones suffer with upper respiratory problems, asthma, constant colds, and general ill health. I have extensive knowledge of the FAA, EPA, and ICAO aviation rules and regulations. I will take my last breath doing everything in my power to get chemtrail activity to STOP. I know there are numerous ideas circulating about the reasons why they are spraying, but I no longer concern myself with the theoretical. I care not about whether they are trying to covertly cool the planet, obscure Nibiru, cull the population, or change soil salinity to control food supply.

What I know is what I see every day. I see nearly continuous spraying operations over my home, and throughout the skies of places I travel. What I see are chemtrails. I know the difference between contrails and chemtrails. I have extensive education on meteorology, aircraft systems, and know exactly how contrails are born. I know all about the standard lapse rate, temperature inversions, types of fog, and factors that influence contrail formation.

In my studies of the chemtrial phenomenon, I have come across numerous websites, wordpress blogs,yahoo groups, etc. all discussing the problem and containing postings, photos, and videos. There are people building Google Maps, Flash maps, and posting data regarding air and soil samples. I have seen virtually every video produced on the chemtrails subject and highly recommend the film documentary What In The World Are They Spraying  for those looking to understand the issue in more detail.

My conclusions about the above activity and level of activism have led my to understand that I am not alone. Military tacticians will tell you that an unorganized adversary is easy to conquer. Each website, blog, map, and data repository represents a cell of our growing movement. As it stands today, April 6,2011 there is still significant lack of cohesion within our ranks. The Map is a force multiplier that will change that. (more…)

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