May 02, 2012
Dr Karyoo adfirms that he discovered the cause of Morgellons disease

According to a recent press release from the Morgellons Medical Center, Dr Rahim Karjoo claims that his research has revealed a connection between the the Morgellons skin phenomenon and the toxicity of silicone silica. Dr Karjoo began his work in the 1990s when he was examining hundreds of cases where patients that had received silicone breast implants suffered from a skin condition that Dr. Karjoo termed “Karjoo’s Phenomenon”.(1) Three week’s after patients had the silicone implants removed, their skin condition healed and the “Karjoo Phenomenon” disappeared for good.Rahim Karjoo has been the Director/Pathologist of Doctors Hospital of West Covina, CA and the American Medical Diagnostic Labs. Karjoo has also taught at the University of Southern California, the University of Connecticut Medical School, Pahlavi University School of Medicine in Iran, and was a member of the Clinical Pathology Teaching Staff at Yale University. According to the press release, Karjoo is in the process of publishing his findings in both medical and environmental journals.
How Morgellons disease began
In the summer of 2001, Mary Leitao became concerned when her 3 year old son’s skin near his lips became irritated. He pointed to his skin and said the one word he knew to describe what it felt like, “bugs.” While rubbing the lotion that the doctor had prescribed for scabies onto the boy’s skin, she felt odd fibers that were emerging from the boy’s skin. As a biologist by career, the mother was both alarmed and intrigued. She removed the filaments and examined them under a microscope, but they looked like nothing at all she had ever looked at under the scope. The fact that she had worked as a medical researcher for five years made that even more surprising. The fibers, according to Leitao, were either red, black or blue and would fluoresce under certain lights. After verifying that the fibers were really coming from her son’s skin and not some external source, she continued her research on the fibers in a real biology lab. However, most answers came from the Internet, where Leitao discovered that the fibers were only the first symptom of the illness – other sufferers reported that later would come neurological issues. (3) By 2006, her son Drew started to experience the neurological effects of the disease. Her husband passed away in 2004 of cardiac arrhythmia, leaving Mary alone to raise the family while battling the mysterious disease. (more…)