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10 octobre 2012

¤ Maladie des Morgellons : un long article du Guardian (7 mai 2011)

Morgellons: A hidden epidemic or mass hysteria?

It’s a mysterious condition that affects tens of thousands worldwide. But what is it?


Optical image of what sufferers are adamant are morgellons fibres in skin samples – are they made up of alien ­matter, or are ­everyday materials the more likely explanation? Photograph: Vitaly Citovsky/Suny at Stony Brook

It all started in August 2007, on a family holiday in New England. Paul had been watching Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix with his wife and two sons, and he had started to itch. His legs, his arms, his torso – it was everywhere. It must be fleas in the seat, he decided.

But the 55-year-old IT executive from Birmingham has been itching ever since, and the mystery of what is wrong with him has only deepened. When Paul rubbed his fingertips over the pimples that dotted his skin, he felt spines. Weird, alien things, like splinters. Then, in 2008, his wife was soothing his back with surgical spirit when the cotton swab she was using gathered a curious blue-black haze from his skin. Paul went out, bought a £40 microscope and examined the cotton. What were those curling, coloured fibres? He Googled the words: « Fibres. Itch. Sting. Skin. » And there was his answer. It must be: all the symptoms fitted. He had a new disease called morgellons. The fibres were the product of mysterious creatures that burrow and breed in the body. As he read on, he had no idea that morgellons would turn out to be the worst kind of answer imaginable.

Morgellons was named in 2001 by an American called Mary Leitao, whose son complained of sores around his mouth and the sensation of « bugs ». Examining him with a toy microscope, Leitao found him to be covered in unexplained red, blue, black and white fibres. Since then, workers at her Morgellons Research Foundation say they have been contacted by more than 12,000 affected families. Campaign group the Charles E Holman Foundation states there are sufferers in « every continent except Antarctica ». Thousands have written to Congress demanding action. In response, more than 40 senators, including Hillary ClintonJohn McCain and a pre-presidential Barack Obama, pressured the Centres For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) to investigate; in 2006, it formed a special taskforce, setting aside $1m to study the condition. Sufferers include folk singer Joni Mitchell, who has complained of « this weird incurable disease that seems like it’s from outer space… Fibres in a variety of colours protrude out of my skin: they cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral. Morgellons is a slow, unpredictable killer – a terrorist disease. It will blow up one of your organs, leaving you in bed for a year. »

So it’s new, frightening and profoundly odd. But if you were to seek the view of the medical establishment, you’d find the strangest fact about this disease: morgellons doesn’t exist. (more…)

¤ « Mind Control » (contrôle mental à distance) : les personnes visées témoignent (devant une commission) !

Classé dans : Etrange,Outils/Bon à savoir,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 9 : 54

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Ajoutée par  le 18 mai 2011

Targeted Individuals give their testimonies before the Presidential Commission about their involvement as involuntary mind control, weapons research, and no-touch torture victims.

[1/5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmhdsQ8fPSc
[2/5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKMgHd-gn1M
[3/5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DenV-MTVo80
[4/5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZwNgM0RCY0
[5/5] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmBOWSeXxjA (more…)

¤ Un agent du MI5 (le docteur Barrie Trower) : « tous exposés à des radiations dangereuses » !

Classé dans : Outils/Bon à savoir,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 9 : 50

MI5 agent Dr. Barrie Trower: dangerous radiation everywhere

2012-09-26 15:56 source : http://www.whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/384.html

Former MI5 agent Barrie Trower is a physicist who worked for British intelligence. There he got secret knowledge about the huge danger of electro smog=scalar waves and microwave radiation in our cell phone and Wi-Fi technology. He reveals how intelligence agencies misuse microwaves to influence people’s bodies, even the brain. They can induce pain everywhere in the body and illness, even heart attacks and every form of cancer. They can control your mind by reading your thoughts, changing them, spying on your memory, change or erase it. They can remote control a human totally without the targeted individual knowing about it. People can be programmed to be a living video camera, killing- or sex-machine.
It is easy to let people hear voices in their skulls. V2K is not a mental illness but the result of modern technology.
The cell phone and wireless Internet radiation damages not only us, our children and nature but even future generations in a so horrible way, that in three generations a lot of women will have lost their fertility.
Dr. Barrie Trower is upset over the fact that British scientists have a license to kill and they used it on hundreds of thousands innocent human « guinea pigs »; and got away with it. He and Mind Control expert Dr. Henning Witte have their suspicions that secret microwave weapons triggered the English results in the London Olympics 2012.
Dr. Trower appeals to all kings and queens, especially to the Danish and Swedish royals, to help their people by giving a press conference revealing this horrible microwave technology.

This is one of the most important interviews White TV ever made. It was taken at the Open Mind Confrence in Denmark.

 Mind Control is everywhere (more…)

¤ La Hongrie met Monsanto et le FMI dehors !

Classé dans : Outils/Bon à savoir,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 9 : 42

J’avais déjà repéré le fait que la Hongrie avait très sagement décidé en 2010 de mettre fin aux « partenariats publics privé », mais un nouvel article lu sur le site The Automatic Earth et indiquant que la Hongrie a décidé de se débarrasser des encombrants Monsanto et FMI me donne à penser que les politiques de ce pays ont définitivement choisi le chemin de la Liberté.

Hungary Throws Out Monsanto AND The IMF

FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 07, 2012 4:31 PM
¤ La Hongrie met Monsanto et le FMI dehors ! dans Outils/Bon à savoir BudaCastleImage: Buda Castle, Hungarian Parliament Building, Budapest

I don’t know about you, but I would label my personal knowledge of Hungary as wanting, if not painfully incomplete. It’s not an easy country to come to grips with, not least of all of course because Hungarian doesn’t look like any western language we know with the possible exception of Finnish. I did visit just after the Wall came down, and remember huge contrasts, almost paradoxes, between rural poverty and a capital, Budapest, that was much richer than other capitals such as Prague, a leftover of Budapest’s status as meeting place between western and eastern diplomats and businessmen.

The riches were not for all, though, the city center was full of beggars and panhandlers, mostly Roma. To keep up the paradox, Mercedes sold more luxury models in Hungary than just about anywhere else back then, reportedly mostly also to Roma; just not the same.

In the years since, precious little attention has been and is being devoted to the former eastern bloc countries in the Anglo press. We know most of the countries are now members of the European Union, but only a few have been allowed to enter the hallowed grounds of the eurozone.

One thing I did pick up on last year was the news that Hungary’s PM Victor Orbán had thrown chemical, food and seed giant Monsanto out of the country, going as far as to plow under 1000 acres of land. Now, I have little patience for Monsanto, infamous for many products ranging from Agent Orange to Round-Up, nor for its ilk, from DuPont to Sygenta, all former chemical companies that have at some point decided they could sell more chemicals than ever before by applying them on and inside everyone’s daily food. Patenting nature itself seems either unworthy of mankind or its grandest achievement. I don’t care much for either one. So Orbán (who has a two-thirds majority in parliament, by the way) has my tentative support on this one.

This is from July 22, 2011, International Business Times:

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Maize Fields

In an effort to rid the country of Monsanto’s GMO products, Hungary has stepped up the pace. This looks like its going to be another slap in the face for Monsanto. A new regulation was introduced this March which stipulates that seeds are supposed to be checked for GMO before they are introduced to the market. Unfortunately, some GMO seeds made it to the farmers without them knowing it.

Almost 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds have been destroyed throughout Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar said. The GMO maize has been ploughed under, said Lajos Bognar, but pollen has not spread from the maize, he added.

Unlike several EU members, GMO seeds are banned in Hungary. The checks will continue despite the fact that seed traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free, Bognar said. During their investigation, controllers have found Pioneer and Monsanto products among the seeds planted.

It’s remarkably hard to find sources on this, ironically. It’s even harder, even more ironically, to find anything that mentions the Wikileaks report on the connections between the US government and the chemical/seed industry. Which is curious, in my opinion; it’s not as if there’s nothing newsworthy in the topic. Just about the only thing I could find was this from Anthony Gucciardi at NaturalSociety.com.

US to Start ‘Trade Wars’ with Nations Opposed to Monsanto, GMO Crops  (more…)

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