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5 mars 2013

¤ L’ONU demande des poursuites contre les crimes commis par la CIA sous l’ère Bush

Classé dans : Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 1 : 43
The 16-foot (5 m) diameter CIA seal in the lobby of the Original Headquarters Building

The 16-foot (5 m) diameter CIA seal in the lobby of the Original Headquarters Building

UN Demands Prosecution Of Bush-Era CIA Crimes

Source : http://www.eurasiareview.com/04032013-un-demands-prosecution-of-bush-era-cia-crimes/

By  – (March 4, 2013)

A United Nations investigator has demanded that the US publish classified documents regarding the CIA’s human rights violations under former President George W. Bush, with hopes that the documents will lead to the prosecution of public officials.

Documents about the CIA’s program of rendition and secret detention of suspected terrorists have remained classified, even though President Obama’s administration has publicly condemned the use of these “enhanced interrogation techniques”. The US has not prosecuted any of its agents for human rights violations.

UN investigator Ben Emmerson, the UN special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism, said that the classified documents protect the names of individuals who are responsible for serious human rights violations.

“Despite this clear repudiation of the unlawful actions carried out by the Bush-era CIA, many of the facts remain classified, and no public official has so far been brought to justice in the United States,” Emmerson said in a report to the UN Human Rights Council, according to Reuters.

Kept in secret prisons around the world, the CIA’s detainees were subjected to torture including waterboarding, sleep deprivation and various other interrogation techniques that violate human rights. The detainees were often subjected to clandestine transfers to secret prisons known as CIA ‘black sites’.

“There is now credible evidence to show that CIA ‘black sites’ were located on the territory of Lithuania, Morocco, Poland, Romania and Thailand, and that the officials of at least 49 other states allowed their airspace or airports to be used for rendition flights,” Emmerson said, describing how suspected terrorists were often detained without being charged for any crimes, receiving extradition procedures or having access to lawyers.

Emmerson has urged the US to prosecute any public official who was involved in setting up the CIA “black sites” at which human rights or legal violations occurred. Even though the Obama administration has condemned those who promoted the use of such facilities for inhumane procedures, the administration has taken no steps to punish any of its public officials. Attorney General Eric Holder has said that the Justice Department would not take legal actions against those who “acted in good faith” and followed the guidelines provided by the Office of Legal Counsel during the Bush era.

But without names and details about the involvement of US officials at CIA black sites, the government is maintaining a level of secrecy and “perpetuating impunity for the public officials implicated in these crimes,” Emmerson said. A Senate committee led by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) previously investigated the CIA’s interrogation program and may have had complete access to classified information about it.

Emmerson has called for this information to be published “without delay, and to the fullest extent possible.”

While the UN special rapporteur lacks the power to force the Obama administration to release this information, his report puts further pressure on the US government to expose a practice it publicly condemns, but continues to keep secret.

¤ Sandy Hook Update: Newtown Holds Back Death Certificates -The Cover Up

Classé dans : Etrange,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 1 : 38

Source : http://www.insanemedia.net/sandy-hook-update-death-certificates-cover-up/2146?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+insanemedia%2FBmRT+%28Insanemedia%29#

Published on March 2nd, 2013 | by Kennedy Ray

In this article I would like to discuss the recent Sandy Hook Update in Newtown, Connecticut. We’ve already discovered that Dr H Wayne Carver had bill 1054 approved in 2011 to hold back autopsy reports.This Bill gives the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner authority to prevent disclosing autopsy reports on pediatric homicides to the general public.

Sandy Hook Update

On Wednesday, February 20th, Newtown’s delegation of legislators Representatives supported a bill to protect the privacy of Sandy Hook families and others following the death of a child. The proposal before the legislature’s Public Health Committee, HB 5733, would allow officials to restrict access to the death certificates of children when it is likely to cause undue hardship for the family of the child. Current law allows any adult the ability to purchase a copy of the death certificate of any resident from their town clerk.

Newtown Legislators All Back Privacy Restrictions On Vital Records

(The Newtown Bee article is not available anymore) – See a FOX reporthere

The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner has the authority to hold back autopsy reports of “pediatric homicides,” and now Newtown seeks to deny independent journalists and newspapers access to public recorddeath certificates of Sandy Hook victims.

See the following of this article at :  http://www.insanemedia.net/sandy-hook-update-death-certificates-cover-up/2146?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+insanemedia%2FBmRT+%28Insanemedia%29#

¤ Une Chape de plomb recouvre la visite officielle du Président islandais

Classé dans : Outils/Bon à savoir,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 1 : 19

JPEG - 37.6 ko

source : http://www.agoravox.fr/tribune-libre/article/une-chape-de-plomb-recouvre-la-131727
parJ-J-Rlundi 4 mars 2013 - 28 réactions

Morosité persistante dans la zone euro, embellie confirmée de l’Islande ont eu raison de l’arrogance de nos élites. L’Islande, premier pays européen touché par la crise en 2008, a retrouvé le chemin de la prospérité : croissance de 2,5% du PIB, un chômage de 5%, excédents du commerce extérieur et des comptes publics. Les choix de politique économique de ce petit pays se retrouvent projetés sous la lumière de l’oligarchie. Dans les hautes sphères des centres de décision, les masques tombent, les certitudes se lézardent, les dogmes s’effondrent.

François Hollande et Olafur Ragnar Grimsson © Présidence de la République

La dernière visite d’une délégation officielle de l’Islande remonte à 1983. Qui serait assez crédule pour croire que le calendrier retenu pour la fin février 2013 est une pure coïncidence ? A l’aune d’une zone euro enlisée dans une crise profonde, voyons un peu ce que peut ressentir l’ oligarchie aux affaires en France notamment, en apprenant que l’île vient de réaliser deux années consécutives de croissance positive supérieures à 2% du PIB quand ce même PIB était en recul de 6,6 % en 2009 ; que le déficit budgétaire annuel de cet Etat providence est maintenant résorbé quand il était de 13.5% en 2008 ; que le chômage approche les 5% de la population active quand il était monté à 8% en 2010 ; qu’il faut se faire à l’idée que le pays a gagné son bras de fer juridique contre la technocratie de Bruxelles et la finance internationale ; que le prêt de 2.1 milliards d’euros du FMI fut remboursé dans les meilleurs délais ; qu’en dévaluant brièvement la couronne jusqu’à 70%, le pays a pu réinvestir dans l’économie nationale et créer un cercle vertueux pour la relance des investissements. [1] (more…)

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