18 mars 2013

¤ Des documents révèlent que l’US Air Force utilise des technologies avancées de modification de la météo pour altérer le climat

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc...,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 13 : 35

source : http://aircrap.org/documents-reveal-air-force-advanced-weather-modification-alter-climate/336880/

Documents Reveal Air Force Uses Advanced Weather Modification to Alter Climate Reply

USAF Insignia SCIBLUE header-sm

SCIBLUE is a USAF Company

Creating Clouds and Modifying Atrmospheric Rivers to Re-direct Precipitation

An atmospheric river (AR) is a narrow corridor of concentrated moisture in the atmosphere. AR’s consist of narrow bands of enhanced water vapor transport, typically along the boundaries between large areas of divergent surface air flow, including some frontal zones in association with extratropical cyclones that form over the oceans.  The term was originally coined by researchers Reginald Newell and Yong Zhu of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the early 1990′s. ©

Youtube Videos on AR:

Excerpt:  “While large efforts and money are being allocated for localized weather modification, SciBlue is looking to use the tropospheric rivers to deliver rain to parched areas of the world now and possibly abatement operations of severe weather in the near future.

Instead of having to settle for what clouds are available over the target, we look to create the needed clouds hundreds of miles from the intended target. Using a combination of an advanced weather model and augmenting existing clouds at precise times and locations in their infancy we attempt to produce results on a scale to exceed current seeding (glaciogenic) operations’ goals.

With our ongoing project in the arena of providing rain on target, we hope to investigate the use of the two technologies to attempt to abate severe weather.”

David Kutchnski SCIBLUE-Legacy

More on SciBlue

Kutchinski SciBlue texas Investigator FBISciBlue.com – Click Here


BP Oil Spill Dispersant Companies  (EPA Excel file)

SciBlue Inc. CAGE Code: 5LBT4
172 Stanwell Street, Colorado Springs, CO 80906
David Kutchinski (210) 579-0544

Pro-Biotics for cleanup of contaminated soil and shrimp/oyster beds.

Using a custom “bred” bacteria made to the exact specifications of theBP oil chemical makeup we can apply and clean up/restore large amounts of land/soil and swamp areas rapidly. Machinery and boats with booms to apply the bacteria along with expertise to deliver the product in-situ into the shrimp and/or oyster beds. 541712, 541990, 624230,924110

Large scale on-site application for not only soil and beaches but swamps and estuaries.

Veteran Owned Small Business


More on SciBlue

SciBlue Military presence Swink CO-b

SciBlue Inc. – LaJunta County Municipal Air
SciBlue Inc. – LinkedIn

Col. David Kutchinski
CEO – SciBlue Inc
CEO – at Legacy Technology Holdings, Inc.
Bill Payer at World Peace Technologies, LLC

SciBlue Inc. – US Air Force
SciBlue Inc. – Guided Missile and Space Vehicle Parts and Auxiliary Equipment
SciBlue Inc. – Energy and Utilities industry


More on SciBlue

National Suppliers Registry: SCIBLUE INC – Webpage removed.

Product Description :  Feedlot remediation for ground water pollution and odor. Also cleans up ground pollution from hydrocarbons and ammonia. Keeping lakes clear of algae

Type of Business : Manufacturing, R and D, Service

NAICS Codes :

  • 221310: Water Supply and Irrigation Systems
  • 312112: Bottled Water Manufacturing
  • 331111: Iron and Steel Mills
  • 423830: Industrial Machinery and Equipment Merchant Wholesalers
  • 541712: Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences (except Biotechnology)
  • 541990: All Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
  • 624230: Emergency and Other Relief Services


What is Legacy Technology Holdings?

As of August 1, 2008, Legacy Technology Holdings, Inc. was acquired by World Peace Technologies, LLC, in a reverse merger transaction ©

Legacy Technology Holdings, Inc. (LTHO) Announces Completion of Reorganization with World Peace Technologies, Inc.

World Peace Technologies, located in Colorado Springs, Colorado, specializes in the development and commercialization of technologies and products with possible applications to the military.

Accordingly, Legacy has completed its acquisition of World Peace and now is developing 3 additional wholly owned subsidiaries in addition to World Peace Technologies:

1) Air 2 Water, Inc. (Air 2 Water) – Air 2 Water possesses a technology which is not dependent upon Freon, to harvest water from the air to produce atmospheric water. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), in addition to other military organizations, have been searching for a way to decrease the logistics drain on the system for drinking water for mobile troops.

2) Targeted Weather, Inc. (Targeted Weather)  The technology employed by Targeted Weather makes use of algorithms to determine the development and location of severe weather combined with the use of technology to attempt to prevent the severe weather from forming.

3) Plasteel, Inc (Plasteel) – Plasteel possesses a technology that optimizes the use of a cold chemical process to produce plastic. The resultant plastic product is as strong as steel. (Transparent Aluminum)

Panzerungsplatten aus KeramikTransparent Aluminum Oxide

Transparent Aluminum New State of Matter

Transparent Aluminum Oxide

Legacy Technology Holdings, 2008 press release


In 1990, the US Air Force Academy science curriculum focuses on atmospheric chemistry in a course titled “Chemtrails” ©


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