3 avril 2013

¤ Un professeur de physique confirme le fait que HAARP a le pouvoir de réchauffer l’Arctique

Source : http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2013/04/03/physics-paper-confirms-haarp-capable-of-localized-heating-to-melt-arctic-ice/

(NB : j’ai rétabli le lien brisé vers le doc en PDF)

Physics Professor Confirms HAARP is Capable of Warming Arctic 1

Fran De Aquino Mug

Fran De Aquino, PhD

High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and strong localized heating.

Fran De Aquino, PhD
Maranhao State University, Physics Department, S.Luis/MA, Brazil.

Abstract:  The High Frequency  by Browse to Save » href= »http://chemtrailsplanet.net/2013/04/03/physics-paper-confirms-haarp-capable-of-localized-heating-to-melt-arctic-ice/# »>Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is currently the most important facility used to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation in the ionosphere.

In order to produce this ELF radiation the HAARP transmitter radiates a strong beam of high- frequency (HF) waves modulated at ELF. This HF heating modulates the electrons’ temperature in the D region ionosphere and leads to modulated condu ctivity and a time-varying current which then radiates at the modulation frequency. Recently, the HAARP HF transmitter operated with 3.6GW of effective radiated power modulated at frequency of 2.5Hz. It is shown that high-power ELF radiation generated by HF ionospheric heaters, such as the current HAARP heater, can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and strong localized heating.…Continue  (PDF)

Recently Completed Planetary Network of Climate Modification Weapons That Global Warming Scientists and IPCC Will Not Talk About.   HERE

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High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause earthquakes, cyclones and localized heating

High-power ELF radiation generated by modulated HF heating of the ionosphere can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and localized heating
Fran De Aquino
Maranhao State University, Physics Department, S.Luis/MA, Brazil.
Copyright © 2011 by Fran De Aquino. All Rights Reserved

En el abstract del documento podemos leer:

The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is currently the most important facility used to generate extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic radiation in the ionosphere. In order to produce this ELF radiation the HAARP transmitter radiates a strong beam of high-frequency (HF) waves modulated at ELF. This HF heating modulates the electrons’ temperature in the D region ionosphere and leads to modulated conductivity and a time-varying current which then radiates at the modulation frequency. Recently, the HAARP HF transmitter operated with 3.6GW of effective radiated power modulated at frequency of 2.5Hz. It is shown that high-power ELF radiation generated by HF ionospheric heaters, such as the current HAARP heater, can cause Earthquakes, Cyclones and strong localized heating.

Junto a este estudio, recientemente ha publicado diferentes estudios sobre plasma, antigravedad y otras cuestiones relativas a las ELF y su capacidad para curvar el espacio-tiempo y la gravedad.

En el Paper, se explica claramente cómo afectan las ELF a la generación de Seísmos y la relación existente entre Magnetosfera, Clima, Gravedad y Plasma, y la tecnología utilizada por HAARP.

Junto a este estudio, De Aquino ha publicado recientemente y en relación con la misma materia:

1. Mathematical Foundations of the Relativistic Theory of Quantum Gravity
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¤ Un professeur de physique confirme le fait que HAARP a le pouvoir de réchauffer l'Arctique dans Bizarreries météo sp Full text article available from E-Print ArXiv
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Fuente: StarViewerTeam International 2012.

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