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17 juillet 2013

¤ George Soros et les Femen : « Associated Priests ? » (Associated Press !)

Classé dans : Outils/Bon à savoir,Politique/Societe — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 0 : 06

Qui est au coeur de tout ce qui nous emm***de et nous révolte profondément ces derniers temps (depuis 20 ans et plus) ?

Je vous laisse juger :

Moi, George Soros, j’arrose Obama, les gauchistes, les lèche-babouches et les Femen…

Publié le 14 juin 2013 par Mireille Greschter - Article du nº 307

Moi, George Soros, je dirige l’Open Society Institute, ou Open Society Foundations, une organisation sans-frontiériste et mondialiste, active dans 60 à 70 pays, mais pas la France, que j’infiltre d’une autre façon.





Moi, George Soros, j’infiltre les fondations familiales françaises.


Moi, George Soros, j’ai financé le conflit yougoslave qui fit des milliers de morts au nom des droits de l’homme et de la démocratie. J’ai financé Otpor et National Endowment for Democracy, mouvements anti-Milosevic, proches de la CIA.





Moi, George Soros, je décide qui doit présider les États-Unis d’Amérique.



Moi, George Soros, je finance le printemps arabe.



Moi, George Soros, je finance les Femen, mais j’ai contribué à implanter le pouvoir tunisien qui emprisonne les Femen.




Moi, George Soros, je ne suis pas musulman, mais je finance le CCIF en France.






Moi, George Soros, le bansker ultra-capitaliste, je finance l’extrême gauche, le lobby LGTB et les antifas.




Moi, George Soros, milliardaire, mondialiste, spéculateur, maître du monde, je me prends pour Dieu, je joue avec les hommes comme avec des pions sur un échiquier. Je suis un philanthrope dont les oeuvres servent à détruire les peuples.


Moi, George Soros, adorateur du grand bordel ambiant, Président de la France, je vous emmerde. Crevez !

Mireille Greschter


How George Soros Secretly Directs the Associated Press

¤ George Soros et les Femen : Fox News revealed that radical liberal George Soros has deep ties with more than 30 mainstream media outlets, including the Associated Press. Much of his influence goes through ProPublica. It gets $125,000 each year from Soros’ Open Society Foundations. The Associated Press promotes Soros-funded Propublica’s propaganda articles.

The Associated Press today announced a program to promote nonprofit investigative journalism, including articles from ProPublica, to its members for republication. The material will be distributed to AP members—including essentially all of the nation’s leading newspapers—through the Web-based delivery system AP Exchange. There will be no charge to AP members for using the stories, which, in addition to ProPublica, will come from the Center for Investigative Reporting, the Center for Public Integrity, and the Investigative Reporting Workshop.

The other three organizations that Associated Press promotes in this contract are also Soros-funded. The Center for Investigative Reporting is funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute. They received at least $75,000 from him in 1999. The Center for Public Integrityreceived $651,650 from Soros’ Open Society Institute in 2009. The Investigative Reporting Netork of American University lists Soros’ Open Society Institute as a top funder. They also gave $15 million to other American University programs. AP is central to George Soros’ propaganda network of radical liberalism with this Propublica program.

ProPublica was founded with a $10 million yearly grant from Herbert and Marion Sandler… The Sandlers are major donors to the Democratic Party and are top funders of ACORN, MoveOn.org, the American Civil Liberties Union and other far-leftist groups like Human Rights Watch.

In 2008, the Sandlers were behind two controversial California Political Action Committees, Vote Hope and PowerPac.org, which spent about $5 million in pro-Obama ads in that state. The two groups were run by the Sandler’s son-in-law, Steve Phillips, the former president of the San Francisco School Board.

Slate reporter Jack Shafer raised questions about ProPublica’s ability to provide independent nonpartisan journalism in light of the nature of the Sandler’s political donations, which include « giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to Democratic Party campaigns. » (www.wnd.com)

One of Soros-funded Center for Public Interity’s leaders is Sandy Johnson, a longtime former Washington bureau chief of the Associated Press.

The Aspen Institute is another large Soros influence on the Associated Press. William Dean Singleton, Chairman of AP’s board of directors, and Mary Junck, the Vice Chairman, are participants of the Aspen Institute. AP often reports on Aspen Institute causes.

The Aspen Instiute works closely with Soros’ Open Society Institute on liberal causes. Soros is a common featured speaker at their events. Aspen’s director of communications Jim Spiegelman was special assistant to Soros. Aspen board member Arjun Gupta is Vice President of Soros’ investment advisor.

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