4 octobre 2013

Sandy Hook Conspiracy: Anderson Cooper Attacks Professor James Tracy

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Sandy Hook Conspiracy: Anderson Cooper Attacks Professor James Tracy

source : http://www.insanemedia.net/sandy-hook-conspiracy-anderson-cooper-attacks-professor-james-tracy/534

Published on January 14th, 2013 | by Kennedy Ray



It has been four weeks since the Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting. As of today, there are several million people who are convinced of aSandy Hook Conspiracy. They believe that last month’s horrific shooting in Newtown, Connecticut was staged by the US Government and the mainstream Media – A false flag operation. In an effort to silence discussion the mainstream media is getting desperate by attacking anyone who questions the official story of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.

Anderson Cooper Attacks Professor James Tracy

Anderson Cooper attacks the Sandy Hook Elementary Conspiracy Theories. Cooper opened his show attacking these conspiracy theorists, specifically Florida professor James Tracy, who raises doubts as to whether the shooting “ever took place” in the way that the media described. He wrote in detail about his conspiracy theory on his blog, Tracy believes Anderson Cooper is out to harm him and his family according to his latest article.


Anderson Cooper continues his attack on Professor James Tracy, dismissing the Sandy Hook Conspiracy as ignorant and sickening. For the search term Sandy Hook conspiracy, Google returned 6,550,000 results as of today, December, 13th 2012, four weeks after the Sandy Hook elementary shooting. It seems outrageous that the same Cooper, who was exposed staging fake CNN news report, calls conspiracy theorists ignorant. Fact – It is not just some “nutty” professor questioning Sandy Hook, several millions of people are questioning the official story!

In Anderson Cooper’s 360, he made sure that the public would be able to fully identify Professor James Tracy with the Sandy Hook Conspiracy:

His name is James Tracy.
This is a picture of him.
This is what he looks like.
James Tracy is his name.

In my opinion this was done on purpose by Cooper in an attempt to possibly harm Florida Atlantic University Professor James Tracy, all that was missing was the next line: “Go get him!” Cooper was also outraged that tax payers money is funding Tracy, and showed a statement from Pat Llodra, Newtown Connecticut’s First Selectman to Florida Atlantic University:

“Shame on you too, Florida Atlantic University, to even have someone like this on your payroll.

The public seems to feel differently however, below you can read one of many supporting comments from James Tracy’s blog:

Dear Florida Atlantic University – I want you to know how happy and grateful I am that my taxpayer money is going to an educational institution that employs James Tracy, a professor unafraid to think fearlessly and ask the hard, pertinent questions. Thank you, and keep up the good work, FAU!

Anderson Cooper cherry picked Tracy’s statement apart, read the full transcript from CNN, and James Tracy’s public statement on his blog.

Quote by James Turner:

In my analyses of news coverage on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting I am confident I have put forth questions befitting any decent and reflective citizen, journalist or scholar. My research has led me to conclude that the nation’s media failed to provide an accurate, in-depth and sustained investigation of what took place at the school on the morning of December 14. Unfortunately, most of my observations and their nuance have been reduced to headlines and sound bites that have placed my person and intent in a severely negative light.

UPDATE: Professor James Tracy on Alex Jones Radio Show

Here is another interview, Paul Watson talks with James Tracy, a Florida professor who claims the Newtown Sandy Hook massacre did not happen the way it was reported by the establishment media.

It is not the first time CNN has been caught manufacturing news. Charles Jaco was the CNN reporter famous for covering the 1990 Persian Gulf War. This video shows the stage set blue screen, and he was joking around with the CNN staff.

The main stream media wants the public to buy their official story? I want to remind everyone that BBC reported the collapse of WTC Building 7 over twenty minutes before it fell at 5:20pm on the afternoon of 9/11! Watch this incredible footage -The Smoking Gun

Anderson Cooper is believed to be a CIA asset that pushes COINTELPROon the American public, just like one of the most famous internet forums, ATS. You can find reference that Cooper is affiliated with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on Wikipedia. Following his sophomore and junior years at Yale—a well-known recruiting ground for the CIA —

Cooper spent his summers interning at the agency’s monolithic headquarters in Langley, Virginia, in a program for students interested in intelligence work. His involvement with the agency ended there, and he chose not to pursue a job with the agency after graduation, according to a CNN spokeswoman, who confirmed details of Cooper’s CIAinvolvement.

Sandy Hook Conspiracy

Did you know that several people involved in responding to the Newtown Sandy Hook Elementary school shooting have been shown to be participants in active shooter drills either in the past or on the very day of the shooting?

Did you know that Lt. Paul Vance of the Connecticut State Police trained on several occasions for mock school active-shooter drills, and also received a recent promotion for what he said he heard was going to be a “sold out show”?

In the below video you can hear Lt. Paul Vance admitting it on camera, you will also see how a masked killer makes it out of the drill alive. Adam Lanza supposedly wore a mask in the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting.


Did you know that there was an Active Shooter Drill on the same day of the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting, just 14 miles away?

The official government website for the state of Connecticut (ct.gov) lists the active shooter drill on their calendar;

12/14 9 AM – 4 PM FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters

The government drill that took place on the same day of the shooting between the same hours was located down the road about 14 miles at the following location:

Location: 2800 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT9 AM – 4 PM
Contact: Christopher Ackley
Email: christopher.ackley@ct.gov
Phone: (203)-696-2640
5 of 40 seats still available
Last day to register: 12/13/2012
Sorry, you may not register for this event.

From the Newtown Bee article: “Mr Folan also remembers and sends his thoughts to the dozens of hospital trauma and triage workers also stationed to receive victims who never came. “I’ve never seen anything like it. You’d think it was an exercise drill,” he said.”

Did you know about Project Longevity, that took place two weeks before the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting?

Project Longevity launched to reduce Gang and Gun violence in Connecticut Cities.

The initiative, known as Project Longevity, will send new federal grant money to Connecticut and involve agents, academics and social workers working for or with the FBI and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Dan Malloy are scheduled to discuss the plans at a news conference in New Haven, Connecticut, at 11 a.m. (1600 GMT).

Obama has repeatedly called for changes to federal gun laws, including a renewed ban on guns that critics call assault weapons. An earlier ban expired in 2004, and Obama reiterated his support for a new one in an October debate with Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Meanwhile, Facebook, Google and Conspiracy Forums are censoring and deleting videos, photos and material. If you want to stay up to date, visit my fellow independent bloggers who will also keep you up to date regarding the Sandy Hook Conspiracy!

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