La légalité des chemtrails chaudement débattue en Floride
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Le débat sur les chemtrails évolue dans l’Etat de Floride: la question n’est plus de savoir si les chemtrails existent ou non mais plutôt de savoir si de tels assauts chimiques sont légaux au regard des lois internationales.
voir: CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity
“Si la cour criminelle internationale se saisit de ces accusations, ce sera un moment historique dans l’emploi des lois criminelles pour la protection des individus face à l’exposition à des produits chimiques toxiques par les entrepreneurs et sociétés gouvernementales.”
“If the International Criminal Court moves on these charges, it would be a historic moment in the use of criminal laws to protect individuals from exposure to toxic chemicals by government contractors and corporations.”
article original intégral:
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A Chemical Assault On People And Chemical Trespass of Property

by Michael Thomas
May 30th, 2014
Updated 05/31/2014 at 6:42 pm
State of the Nation is very pleased to announce a recent development in the State of Florida regarding the ongoing chemtrail debate. The recent evolution of this debate is not whether chemtrails exist; rather, the discussion in Florida is whether such chemical assaults are legal under the rubric of international law.
This debate was catalyzed by a legal essay that was first published at State of the Nation, which was then highlighted by the History Channel in their Weather Warfare Documentary. There were a variety of legal issues taken up in that paper entitled: CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity which can be summed up as follows:
“If the International Criminal Court moves on these charges, it would be a historic moment in the use of criminal laws to protect individuals from exposure to toxic chemicals by government contractors and corporations.”[1]
This ongoing legal discussion about the criminal nature of secretly chemtrailing the skies of the USA is an extraordinary success for the Chemtrail Truth Movement. The legal theory revolves around two facts: (i) legally mandated disclosure of the various chemical ingredients of the chemtrail aerosols is not provided to those who are severely impacted and (ii) those same ingredients have been proven to cause bodily injury and emotional injury to those who are most sprayed and susceptible to their deleterious effects. (more…)