18 juin 2014

La légalité des chemtrails chaudement débattue en Floride

Classé dans : Chemtrails et pluies de fils/fibres/etc...,Outils/Bon à savoir — uriniglirimirnaglu @ 3 : 04

Source : http://www.acseipica.fr/legalite-chemtrails-chaudement-debattue-en-floride/

Le débat sur les chemtrails évolue dans l’Etat de Floride: la question n’est plus de savoir si les chemtrails existent ou non mais plutôt de savoir si de tels assauts chimiques sont légaux au regard des lois internationales.

voir: CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity

Si la cour criminelle internationale se saisit de ces accusations, ce sera un moment historique dans l’emploi des lois criminelles pour la protection des individus face à l’exposition à des produits chimiques toxiques par les entrepreneurs et sociétés gouvernementales.

“If the International Criminal Court moves on these charges, it would be a historic moment in the use of criminal laws to protect individuals from exposure to toxic chemicals by government contractors and corporations.”

article original intégral:

Source : http://www.storyleak.com/chemtrails-a-chemical-assault-on-people-and-chemical-trespass-of-property/

A Chemical Assault On People And Chemical Trespass of Property

Michael Thomas

May 30th, 2014
Updated 05/31/2014 at 6:42 pm

Legality of Chemtrails Hotly Debated in Florida

State of the Nation is very pleased to announce a recent development in the State of Florida regarding the ongoing chemtrail debate.  The recent evolution of this debate is not whether chemtrails exist; rather, the discussion in Florida is whether such chemical assaults are legal under the rubric of international law.

This debate was catalyzed by a legal essay that was first published at State of the Nation, which was then highlighted by the History Channel in their Weather Warfare Documentary.  There were a variety of legal issues taken up in that paper entitled: CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity which can be summed up as follows:

“If the International Criminal Court moves on these charges, it would be a historic moment in the use of criminal laws to protect individuals from exposure to toxic chemicals by government contractors and corporations.”[1]

This ongoing legal discussion about the criminal nature of secretly chemtrailing the skies of the USA is an extraordinary success for the Chemtrail Truth Movement.  The legal theory revolves around two facts: (i) legally mandated disclosure of the various chemical ingredients of the chemtrail aerosols is not provided to those who are severely impacted and (ii) those same ingredients have been proven to cause bodily injury and emotional injury to those who are most sprayed and susceptible  to their deleterious effects.

CHEMTRAIL SYNDROME: A Global Pandemic Of Epic Proportions


There are many legal authorities and government officials around the world, who have unequivocally stated, that chemtrailing the skies (and thus various national populations) around the globe constitutes a chemical assault.  Particularly in light of the fact that specific governments have been served with lawsuits by injured parties, do these allegations have legal merit.  The numerous open cases filed by organic farmers are particularly compelling, since their property has been trespassed and violated by the same chemical concoctions falling on their fields from the chemtrails sprayed above their farms.

“The legal theory behind the allegations would create, if framed as such, a new area of criminal law: Aggravated Battery by Toxic Chemical. Experts in criminal law believe such a legal theory is valid. It would require a court of international jurisdiction, such as the International Criminal Court, to prosecute the alleged conspirators and name individuals exposed to the chemical agents as victims.”[1]

On an international level, the following legal opinion lays bare the several issues at work. Anyone who is knowledgeable about the legal theory of chemical assault will understand the profound implications of the presentation in the following link:

Demands for Chemtrail Conspiracy Arrests

Here is a screenshot of the same article taken in order to capture a permanent copy of this critical legal essay. Articles of this import are frequently scrubbed from the internet, so we encourage all interested parties and stakeholders to do the same.

Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 7.44.20 AMScreen Shot 2014-05-30 at 7.44.51 AM

Biomass Incinerators Were Attacked With The Same Legal Argument

For those who followed the raging legal skirmishes throughout Florida at the beginning of this decade, the same legal approach was often taken toward shutting down biomass incinerators statewide.  It all started with a letter to Governor Charlie Crist, wherein he was held personally responsible for serious health consequences and medical crises that result from the siting of incinerators near populated areas throughout Florida.

Letter to Governor Crist regarding Biomass Incinerator sited near Gadsden Correctional Facility

At the end of the day virtually all the major energy companies, which had active applications on file with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to construct biomass incinerators, withdrew them.   Most of them have left the state entirely, and have not come back — a very rare occurrence indeed.

Let’s hope the Chemtrail Truth Movement will have the same success terminating the clandestine worldwide chemtrail program.  Truly, the relentless spraying of the skies across the planet with dangerous chemicals is a scourge upon humanity.

Michael Thomas
May 30, 2014

Author’s Note:


I. Chemtrails must be stopped
II. Geoengineering must be terminated


[1] Demands for Chemtrail Conspiracy Arrests by Ralph Behr (May29, 2014)


CHEMTRAILS: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geoengineering

Global Climate Change: Geoengineering Threatens The Entire Planetary Civilization

Chemtrails Explained; HAARP Exposed; Geoengineering Expounded

CHEMTRAILS : The Biggest Coverup of All Time

The US Government Commits Chemical Assault Against Its Citizens

The Government-Coordinated CHEMTRAIL Conspiracy Continues Unabated

CHEMTRAILS: Covert And Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity

Geoengineered Weather Patterns Wreaking Havoc Across Planet

BIOSPHERE Devastation As Geoengineering Accelerates Global Climate Change

How The Neoteric Science PhDs Have Wrecked The World

The Weather Channel Comedy Hour: Sponsored By US Department of Weather Propaganda

Read more: http://www.storyleak.com/chemtrails-a-chemical-assault-on-people-and-chemical-trespass-of-property/#ixzz34wqLcqKf

Source : http://www.southfloridacriminaldefenselawyerblog.com/2014/05/demands_for_chemtrail_conspira.html

Posted On: May 29, 2014

Demands for Chemtrail Conspiracy Arrests

chemtrails_fan.jpgThe History Channel‘s broadcast of « Weather Warfare » focused international interest in The State of the Nation’s demand that the International Criminal Court begin a criminal investigation into what I have dubbed « The ChemtrailGate Conspiracy. » The allegations are that ChemtrailGate conspirators are spraying sulfuric acid and aluminum compounds into the upper atmosphere in criminal violation of international treaties prohibiting such acts. Chemtrails differ from Contrails (Condensation Trails). Those involved in Chemtrail argue that there is commercial value in weather modification and that they have a right to pursue this as a business venture. Some Chemtrail partners are joined with and sharing costs with the U.S. Department of Defense. The government’s interest is exploring the use of weather modification in war. Another stated purpose of Chemtrail is to reduce global warming. David Keith, author of “A Case for Climate Engineering”appeared on the Colbert Report to explain how this geo-engineering theory will “help” reduce global warming. GeoEngineering Watch in support of the conspiracy charges posted an article on January 15, 2014, see: Chemtrails: Covert Crimes Against Humanity.

If the International Criminal Court moves on these charges, it would be a historic moment in the use of criminal laws to protect individuals from exposure to toxic chemicals by government contractors and corporations.
United States prosecutors have declined to file charges against the (alleged) ChemtrailGate conspirators.

The legal theory behind the allegations would create, if framed as such, a new area of criminal law: Aggravated Battery by Toxic Chemical. Experts in criminal law believe such a legal theory is valid. It would require a court of international jurisdiction, such as the International Criminal Court, to prosecute the alleged conspirators and name individuals exposed to the chemical agents as victims.

Here is a backgrounder on the law of criminal battery that would form the basis of such a prosecution: A battery is defined as an unlawful touching. Aggravated Battery elements require proof of serious bodily harm. An aggravator is defined as a weapon or device used to inflict the harm. The element of specific intent, defined as the fully formed conscious intent to cause the battery on the purported victim, can be met by the criminal concept of criminal negligence. Examples of criminal negligence are manslaughter and reckless endangerment. In any prosecution for Aggravated Battery by Toxic Chemical, the aggravator would be the toxic chemical used against individual victims. There currently exist provisions in federal and state criminal laws for prosecutions of individuals using poison to inflict harm on their victim.

If the allegations are substantiated and the legal theories supported by the International Criminal Court, it would require a referral from the United Nations. A referral is required for the Court to begin the indictment process against the individual and corporate actors reportedly associated with the ChemtrailGate Conspiracy.

The International Criminal Court in The Hague was created by the Rome Statute of The International Criminal Court of 1998. The International Criminal Court is not part of the United Nations World Court, but is a forum created by treaty among 120 founding nations. It is a permanent treaty-based international court established to prosecute individuals outside of their nation of origin. Because the United States is not a signor to the Rome Statute creating the ICC it is deemed unlikely that any prosecutions of U.S. based corporations or U.S. citizens will be undertaken. The International Criminal Court is not a part of the United Nations World Court. The World Court deals with international controversies of a commercial nature and was not created to investigate and prosecute crimes against humanity and genocide. The International Criminal Court has prosecuted charges that arose from events in Bosnia and against individuals involved in genocide in Africa in recent years. Investigations into the Chemtrail Conspiracy have been undertaken by Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) and have not been supported by the United States Department of Justice.

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